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BIO Statement on Russia's Decision To Legalize Patent Theft

March 11, 2022
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“Retaliation of this kind will only serve to isolate Russian science and technology from the international mainstream. At the end of the day those who will be most hurt by this decision will not be innovative global companies, but Russian patients, scientists and consumers.

“The reality is that global science and international cooperation will go on, just without Russia, further deepening their isolation and further darkening the long-term prospects for the Russian people, their economy and their society. This is just one more example of how myopic and dangerous decisions by Russian leadership are harming the Russian people.

“BIO and our members strongly support efforts to ensure patients have access to medicines, both existing and yet to be created. Strong intellectual property protections are vital to a vibrant market for innovative biotechnology and for developing new treatments for patients with unmet medical needs. We urge the US government and our allies to pursue all efforts to both ensure patients have access to necessary medicines and for companies to have certainty that intellectual property is protected and promoted.”

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