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BIO Submits Testimony to Senate Agriculture Committee's First Climate Hearing in 2021

March 11, 2021

The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) is pleased to submit a statement for the record to the United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry hearing entitled, “Farmers and Foresters: Opportunities to Lead in Tackling Climate Change.”

BIO applauds the Committee for putting its immediate focus on the climate crisis. As we outline in our attached “100 Days of Innovation” Blueprint, our nation is at a critical juncture. The start of the new administration and new Congress presents a unique opportunity to come together to galvanize our nation’s scientific and entrepreneurial capacity, to mobilize new waves of homegrown innovation and American ingenuity to tackle the climate crisis, end the pandemic, and get more Americans back to work.

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BIO Statement to Senate Ag Hearing on Climate Change
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